Database & Cloud Operations

We deliver full set of services to keep you IT infrastructure reliable with on-going administration, continuous monitoring and troubleshooting. While also preserving full operational status in both test and production environments.

About Us

Established in 2014 - we are dedicated to provide simple yet powerful on-site/cloud IT solutions that include cross-platform DBA services, virtualization and cloud integration services.

  • We believe in using open source software
  • We believe in simple yet efficient solutions
  • We believe in the hybrid cloud implementation

We thrive to provide simple and efficient solutions to IT strugles while keeping our customers expediture as low as possible both in the capital expenses and in the operating expenses for the long run. Plus, we would always leave the knowledge with our customers as we do not believe in any kind of vendor-lockin.


Our services include (among the rest):

DBA Services

Your data is you value - we will make sure it works properly and efficient


Our services include Bare-Metal handling until the point of working VMs - both on-premise and on the cloud

Cloud Integrations

We provide cloud integrations (API Gateways, Scheduling Systems, DNS Servics and much more)

24x7 Support

You shouldn't worry about your IT infrastructure - that's why we are here for. We can present varying SLA contracts

Cloud Automations

There are many ways to accoplish cloud automation tasks - and we are there to help you decide and utilize the right automation platform that suits your needs

Migrations to PostgreSQL

It's no secret that PostgreSQL is on the rise - Let us help you migrate your expensive commercial database to an open source one - you will be amazed by the ROI

Global Networks (GAN) Implementations

Connect cloud networks within one large virtual private network - seamlesly and agnostic to any cloud dependency

Zabbix Implementation

One of the most advanced monitoring systems ever made - and its 100% free of charge! Smartly monitor your IT infrastructure and maintain constant up time

Cloud API Implementations

We implement cloud web services using either open source software or using a public cloud (AWS/Azure) while keeping your costs as low as possible

Didicated Servers

There are endless possibilities for your own hybrid cloud - based on remote dedicated servers for virtualization and DR purposes

Frequently Asked Questions

Can open source realy replace commercial software?

Yes. About 90% of the functionallity you are looking for (and sometimes even more) can be found in open source solutions. Some commercial software even use open source tools to do its work.

What are the leading open-source products we support?

Great question! We are using (both internally by our customers), support and implement PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MySQL, MongoDB, Ansible AWX, Rundeck, Proxmox and much more.

What about the open source licensing?

The vast majority of open source projects grants you all rights of using the software commercially - as long as you dont change the code or dont resell the code.

What about technical support like commercial software?

Putting all cards on the table, both commercial and open source sometimes has bugs - the key difference is that commercial manufacturers might publish fixes faster. You can simply stay with a stable open source version a bit longer - we mentioned before: the majority of features you are using probably exists.

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